New report on Perspectives on biomethane as a transport fuel
New report on “Perspectives on biomethane as a transport fuel within a circular economy, energy, and environmental system”
Task 37 released the report “Perspectives on biomethane as a transport fuel within a circular economy, energy, and environmental system”. The report addresses aspects of the technology, market situation and sustainability aspects of biomethane. Exemplars of successful implementation of biomethane based transport solutions with a high technological readiness level for all elements of the chain from production to vehicles are presented and recommendations for policy makers round out the study. Concluding the transport biomethane sits well in the broad circular economy, energy, and environmental system providing services across a range of sectors including reduction in fugitive methane emissions from slurries, treatment of residues, provision of biofertiliser, provision of food grade CO2 and a fuel readily available for long distance heavy haulage.