IEA Task 37 LUKE Workshop: Circular Economy in the Food System
IEA Bioenergy Task 37: Overview of Task 37 Activities
Jerry D. Murphy, Task Leader – IEA Task 37
Circular economy in relation with biogas
Mathieu Dumont, Senior Consultant, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (
Visions for improving circular economy in the food system in Finland
Sirpa Kurppa, Research Professor, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Palopuro Agroecolocial Symbiosis – Increasing sustainability in food production
Elina Vikkunen, Researcher, Luke Finland
How to combine insect farming with a biogas processes?
Jan Liebetrau, Head of Department for Biochemical Conversion an Head of Work group for Process biology at DBFZ, Germany
Circwaste-project – catalyzing actions towards circular economy in Central Finland
Outi Pakarinen, Project Manager, Regional Council of Central Finland