Workshop on Strategies for emission control on biogas upgrading plants in Niederwil (Switzerland), 25 October 2023
Within the meeting of Task 37 in Germany a workshop was held in Niederwil. The workshop was organized in collaboration with Biomasse Suisse, Zurich University of applied Sciences (ZHAW), Association of the Swiss Gas Industry and the Research Project consortium EMMINA.
The main topic of the workshop was the emissions from upgrading process at biogas systems. The upgrading process of biogas to Biomethane results in a gas stream containing (bio-) methane and a second gas stream containing the CO2 and an unwanted part of the biomethane, called methane slip. This CO2 rich gas stream either directly emitted to the atmosphere or its content of methane is oxidised before the release into the atmosphere, according to the applicable regulations. National regulations on the handling of the methane slip differ substantially in EU countries, France has recently changed the thresholds, in Switzerland new regulations are discussed. The presentations addressed the options for the reduction of the emissions and put the options for emission reduction into a context with GHG balances and national situation in Switzerland and France.
The following presentations were given:
Hajo Nägele (ZHAW) – Status quo and Perspectives of emissions from upgrading plants in Switzerland
Lukas Knoll (DBFZ) – Emissions from ugrading plants – results of measurement campaign in Germany
Jan Liebetrau (Rytec GmbH) – Technologies for the treatment of gases with low methane content
Alice L’Hostis (CTBM) – New Limits for emissions from Upgrading in France – State of the Art and Perspectives
Allessandro Agostini (ENEA) – Greenhouse gas emissions reduction costs of biomethane slip