


International Biogas Seminar Den Bosch

Den Bosch, The Netherlands

  Task 37 Energy from Biogas: A Brief Summary (PDF 550 KB) David Baxter, European Commission Joint Research Center, The Netherlands   From residues to natural gas (PDF 1400 KB) Suiker Unie, Project «Plant and Planet», The Netherlands   Biomethane feed-in and distribution: daily practice (PDF 1600 KB) Albert van der Molen, Chairman «Project group biomethane», Netbeheer, The […]

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Digestate and biogas utilisation – practices and perspectives

Copenhagen, Denmark

  Digestate as fertiliser:   Biogas and slurry separation in Danish agriculture (PDF 1500 KB) Torkild Birkmose, Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, Aarhus, Denmark   Digestate use in Canada (PDF 600 KB) Anna Crolla, Natural Resources Canada, Canada   Digestate use in the United Kingdom (PDF 280 KB) Clare T. Lukehurst, United Kingdom   Biogas for grid injection: […]

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Biogas upgrading

Vienna University of Technology, Austria

  Industrial Organic By-Products for local Energy Production (PDF 1990 KB) Roland Kirchmayr, Austria   New Developments in Biogas Upgrading in Austria (PDF 3100 KB) DI Dr. Michael Harasek; DI Aleksander Makaruk, Austria   Long term experince with Biogas Upgrading (PDF 3900 KB) Dr. Anneli Petersson, Sweden   Biogas Upgrading from Themal Gasification (PDF 1100 KB) Dr. Reinhard Rauch, […]

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Biofuels&Bioenergy – a Changing Climate

Vancouver, Canada

  Integrating energy recovery into solid waste management: Trend in IEA countries (PDF 615 KB) Pat Howes, UK   Comparing the Environmental Impacts of Residual Waste Management Options (PDF 220 KB) Judith Bates   Energy from waste, one step further (PDF 640 KB) Timo Gerlagh, Netherlands   Residential Waste – an often overlooked bioenergy source (PDF 1750 KB) Jürgen […]

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Biogas technology for sustainable bioenergy production

Jyväskylän yliopisto, Agora Auditorio 1, Finland

  Biogas technology for sustainable bioenergy production (PDF 66 KB) Pia Salokoski, Tekes, Finland   Biogas for sustainable future (PDF 1750 KB) Arthur Wellinger, Nova Energie Ltd, Switzerland   Biogas in Finland (PDF 1050 KB) Annimari Lehtomäki, Jyväskylä Innovation Ltd, Finland   Policies to promote biogas in EU (PDF 170 KB) David Baxter, European Commission   Biogas in Germany (PDF […]

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Co-digestion for an optimized production of biogas and fertilizer

South Shropshire, Biowaste Digester, The Buisness Park, Ludlow, UK

  The workshop was organised as a joint session between the IEA Bioenergy Task 37 working group «Energy from Biogas and Landfill Gas» and «Probiogas UK»   Program (PDF 20 KB)   Presentations   The contribution of AD in delivering renewable energy and the rôle of IEA Bioenergy Task 37 (PDF 2200 KB) Arthur Wellinger, Nova Energie, […]

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Biogas: Energy throughout the whole world

ICC, International Congress Center, Berlin, Germany

  The workshop was organised as a joint session between the IEA Bioenergy Task 37 working group «Energy from Biogas and Landfill Gas» and the EU-funded 6th Framework project «Renewable Energy from Crops and Agrowastes» (CROPGEN – University of Southampton, UK)   Program (PDF 26 KB)   Abstracts   Energy efficiency in Energy Crop Digestion (PDF 40 […]

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Energy crops and biogas – Pathways to success?

Hoog Brabant Conference Center, 3511 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands

  The workshop was organised as a joint session between the IEA Bioenergy Task 37 working group «Energy from Biogas and Landfill Gas» and the EU-funded 6th Framework project «Renewable Energy from Crops and Agrowastes» (CROPGEN – University of Southampton, UK)   Proceedings Topic 1: Identification and development of crops for energy production   Plant […]

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